Hey high-achiever!
If you found me, I’ll bet you’re overwhelmed, underpaid, and feel like you have the weight of your entire income, family, and future on your shoulders.
You’re always busy putting out fires in every direction… and can’t seem to get organized enough to work on your business, rather than in it! And I get it!
As a solopreneur and small business, there’s not enough time in the day to “DO IT ALL”! I was like you 10 years ago, when my hubs started his own business. But I promise you if I did it… so can you! My background couldn’t be more opposite of Branding, Building sales funnels and landing pages, Marketing and connecting with people on social media, And managing a fully operating 6-figure business.
Let me take you back a bit!
In 2004, after 7 years of undergrad and grad courses I received my Masters in Counseling diploma. During that same month, I passed the NCE and received my Clinician’s license to practice. After a few interviews, I got a position as a Group Therapist at a Domestic Violence Shelter. In 2008, my hubs and I got married and decided to move to Charlotte, NC where we live today. He started work at a big box gym as a personal trainer. And I found a career in my field as a counselor working with At-Risk Youth. After two years in Charlotte, he decided to open his own personal training studio.
We put all our ENTIRE savings into the build out, lease, and equipment.
We figured with my position, we would still have enough income to get by for the two of us… which would have been a great idea, BUT — we found out it wasn’t just the two of us anymore.
I worked endless hours, off the clock, went above and beyond the call of duty for my company and the people, I worked for…
On a Friday I left work on a high, excited that I nailed yet another evaluation with my boss. I felt like I was going to be scaling within this organization and getting promoted soon. That same afternoon, on my way home from work, my boss called and asked, “Are you
My first instinct was to deny the fact that I was… But I realized that soon it wasn’t going to be something that I could hide and I would have to tell her the truth. So I admitted it, “Yes I’m pregnant.” I actually made it through my first trimester. The doctor told my hubs and me not to say anything until after we were through it so I hadn’t told anyone yet. “You’re actually the first to know.”
She told me that there was “chatter at work about a possible baby bump” so she figured she would put it to rest and ask. She congratulated me and we hung up. That Monday when I got to work, a supervisor handed me a box full of my things and walked me right back out the door. I felt shocked, angry, depressed, confused…
At 4 months pregnant and what happened, I didn’t feel as if I could look for another position now. Who would hire me seeing that I was pregnant?
So I decided to start helping my husband with his business that he was opening. At this point, we were pregnant, without income and we invested all our savings into his business.
Desperate to immediately scale it. I got to work.
And within months, I took over ownership and was able to make the business profit from the comfort of my home. The best part is that I have had the flexibility to raise both our kids from home. I didn’t have to send them to daycare at infancy. And now every day, I get to make their lunches and send them off to school knowing that I have that special time with them.
For me, it’s one of many highlights of having a scaling and profitable small business.
My mission and passion to to help you to create the freedom to highlight your life the way you want… with making your small business easy and fun to manage through automation! Just know that with a few simple tweaks & tools you can get organized, start outsourcing, and begin spending your time the way you want while achieving more! To do this, each week, I present new training and resources for you!
I am so grateful that you trust me to be a part of your journey! And I can’t wait to see your success in the future! I invite you to click the button below to learn more about how we can work together to achieve your goals. I look forward to connecting with you.